“Acceptable Use Policy” means the Mobile Line Service Acceptable Conduct and Use Policy located under info.singtel.com/terms-mobile-aup on the Singtel Website, including any subsequent revision or modification. The early cancellation fee depends on the status of the contract. You can probably check the amount in the app. If not, call Singtel. (b) any other period to be determined by Singtel Mobile as the minimum subscription term before or when Customer requests the Mobile Service. (a) the difference between the mobile plan fees that Singtel Mobile would have imposed or charged the customer for the minimum subscription term if the mobile service had not been cancelled before the end of the minimum subscription period and the mobile plan subscription fee actually paid by the customer; and your existing contract for Singtel TV content (if any) will be maintained. If our technical support has determined that the cause of the network connection issues could be due to third-party devices connected to your broadband service, such as a personal laptop/tablet, an on-site survey request will be charged at $60 (weekdays/weekends). Fiber optic cable over the first 25 meters, measured from the fiber optic interface point of residential buildings to the end point of buildings equipped with a proprietary network of building developers. Select or confirm your acquirer`s active billing account and contact information. You can do a quick search to check if.

You must purchase the device (at applicable prices) to replace it. These devices are: – 1st TP (Fibre Termination Point), which must be installed by NetLink Trust Internal cabling costs for the next 5 m for 214. Basically, my contract ends around September of this year, but.. My phone seems to be broken somehow, although I`ve always taken care of it (with Huawei P30 PRO). The last time I heard about it, it would cost me about $100 to $200 to terminate my contract early. Thanks in advance. Singtel also recommends that the additional 2-core fiber terminate at a second fiber endpoint, which in turn should terminate at a second fiber endpoint. The fiber interface point on the riser must terminate. If you do not wish to continue your Singtel Fibre Broadband services during the move and do not wish to receive 15 million domestic ADSL contracts (applies to all Fibre Entertainment plans) or 15 million Singtel Home Broadband contracts via ADSL contracts (applies to Singtel Fibre Home plans), a cancellation fee will apply to your current Singtel Fibre Broadband service plans. If you are already a Digital Home Line subscriber, you can purchase a 24-month fibre broadband service contract at any time during the term of your Digital Home Line contract. With Singtel`s fiber broadband services, consumers can enjoy incredible download speeds of up to 1 Gbps, superior to any other DSL or broadband cable network available. This enables super-fast internet access, digital voice, internet TV services, home networks, and other lifestyle apps.

What happens to my GO TV service if I stop my Singtel TV service? NetLink Trust Fibre endpoint installation fees. Free additional mobile broadband connection. Popular lifestyle products at 0 in advance with a Singtel fiber plan. Free 3 months 1 Gbps Fibre Broadband Free 3 months Starter or Trio Pack. Package price price from broadband tariff S2190 to S9990 S4990. The free phone call is also associated with a cancellation fee. As of August 2, 2021DUFTP installation only applies to households that are not yet accessible via high-speed optical fiber. Advertising AGMs are the most reliable broadband.

Switch from fibre to broadband fibre terminated Fibre broadband was shocked after 24 months of contract when it learned that a termination fee would be charged for the termination of broadband fibre even after the contract period expired. Other related costs. SGD 214 per additional block of 5 metres. During the term of your Singtel fiber broadband service contract, you are entitled to individual replacement of the mio box, NTB and/or set-top box, except under conditions considered unusual for typical wear and tear. If you already subscribe to Singtel TV, you can subscribe to a 24-month Singtel Fibre Broadband service plan. Why not just use a (cheap) replacement phone by September? Instead of terminating your contract early and paying a massive early termination fee, mobile lines eligible for a new contract between the 12th and 17th month of your contract will be charged an additional $350. From 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps. SingNet Fibre broadband charges 28. Please call 1688 for assistance with your broadband connection issue.

Our technical support will perform a series of network diagnostics to advise you and solve your connection problem. Applies to cable broadband only. So I was charged $90 for cancelling my high-speed fiber. However, if you also cancel the mioTV subscription, you will have to return the box and a host of other things. I also just cancelled my Singtel broadband service and switched to Starhub last month during the GSS period, where a voucher of 50 was awarded. Yes, M1 has a cancellation fee of 35 which we must indicate 35 days in advance for cancellation. Select a cancelled billing account with credit. If the Mobile Line Service is terminated by the Customer for any reason or by Singtel Mobile before the end of the Minimum Subscription Term due to the Customer`s breach of any of the Customer`s obligations or obligations, then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Terms and Conditions, the Customer shall pay Singtel Mobile as follows: It`s been a while, since I signed these 2-year phone contracts, but I remember at the time, providers allowed an early renewal contract at the 21st month. It doesn`t hurt to ask advertising that GA is the most reliable broadband. However, if you are a new Fibre Broadband customer, you will only get a new dual-band AC Wi-Fi router if your current router is not compatible with the speed of your new fiber broadband plan.

In the event that your Singtel Fibre Broadband service plans cannot be provided due to Fibre to the Home provisioning issues, SingNet reserves the right to cancel your current plan without penalty and provide you with a 15 million Domestic ADSL plan (applies to all Fibre Entertainment plans) or a 15M Singtel Home Broadband via ADSL (applies to Singtel Fibre Home plans). You must continue to clean up the remaining months of your contract.