While it takes some getting used to sitting behind the wheel in a foreign place, once you`ve left the capital Bangkok and other major cities – where traffic, tailgaters and navigation can be a challenge – you`ll find that tropical Thailand in Southeast Asia is actually a pleasant place to drive. as well as a beautiful area filled with friendly people. Overall, the highways in this country are well maintained and serve most of the country, and road customs are not too difficult to understand. Driving Laws Are you planning to rent a car or motorbike during your stay in Thailand? Read on to learn all about relevant laws and regulations. Thailand drives on the left and the vast majority of cars are therefore on the right. You`ll likely see some vehicles, especially scooters, sometimes driving on the wrong side towards incoming traffic. Don`t try it yourself – it`s not only illegal, but also very dangerous! If you rent a car, the car rental company will almost certainly want to see your driver`s license. With scooters, however, it`s a different ball game – very often, the company just wants to see your passport (and often holds it as collateral). However, keep in mind that not only will driving a vehicle without the proper driver`s license invalidate your insurance, but it is also the individual, not the company, who gets into trouble when there are problems on the road. Here`s what Thailand`s driving law says: The legal driving age is 18. For motorcycles up to 110cc, you must be 15 years old; For people over 110cc, the driver must be at least 18 years old. All vehicles must have a valid tax and mandatory car insurance. The driver and passenger of a motorcycle must wear a helmet.

Although you see many Thais driving without a helmet, it is both very dangerous and more likely to be stopped by the police, especially as a foreigner. Seat belts must be worn by people in the front part of a car. Mobile phones should only be used when driving in conjunction with hands-free kits, drunk driving is illegal in Thailand. The alcohol limit is 0.5 mg. However, for those who have been driving for less than five years, the limit is much lower – 0.2 mg. Check the color of your license plate. Different color charts have certain limitations. Both the background color and the number/character color can vary. According to S42 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, anyone who wants to drive a motor vehicle on public roads in Thailand MUST have a proper license to do so. The driver must always have the driver`s license with him when driving. A person who does not have an immigrant visa can drive a vehicle if they have a driver`s license issued by their own government, where mutual agreements exist. In such a case, visitors do not need an International Driving Permit as long as their driving license is in English and shows their photo.

This applies to both cars and scooters. Visitors can only drive rental cars for up to 60 days under these regulations. People who want to drive longer will need a Thai driver`s license. (More on this below.) People living in Thailand, unlike tourists, must obtain a Thai driver`s license. Once you have a non-immigrant visa, you will need to obtain a new license issued in Thailand. But don`t worry, that usually doesn`t mean you have to take a test here! Since the forms are all in Thai, it helps to have a Thai speaker with you. You will need to present your passport with the appropriate visa, proof of address, driver`s license and health certificate. You may also need to take a short written exam as well as an eye test. Do you have a Thai driver`s license? Was the process easy? And how do you find driving on Thai roads? 13. Anglo-Info: Driving in Thailand & Rules of the Road, found in bangkok.angloinfo.com/countries/thailand/driving.asp#Rules Most jurisdictions recognise driving licences issued by another jurisdiction, which may allow a young person to obtain a driver`s license in a jurisdiction where the minimum driving age is low and allowed to drive in a jurisdiction that is generally of a higher driving age.

A notable exception is the United States, where many states prohibit drivers from driving below their minimum driving age, even if they have licenses or licenses issued by another state. While it is legal to drive in Thailand with a valid driver`s license from most countries, it should be noted that most companies will not give you a car or offer you insurance without an International Driving Permit. This driver`s license and a valid passport must be worn at all times while driving. The minimum age is the minimum age at which a person can obtain a driver`s license to legally drive a motor vehicle on public roads. This age is set by and for each jurisdiction and is most often set at 18, but learner drivers may be allowed to take the road under supervision at an earlier age. Before reaching the minimum age for obtaining a driving licence, or at any time thereafter, a person wishing to obtain a licence is normally subject to a test of fitness to drive and knowledge of the rules of the road before a licence is issued, provided that he or she is over the minimum driving age. The countries with the lowest driving age (17 years and under) are the Bahamas, Canada, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom (mainland), the United States and Zimbabwe. In some jurisdictions in the United States and Canada, drivers may be under the age of 14 (under parental supervision).

I read in Thai law that the legal driving age is 18. As in many other countries, a driver`s license is required before anyone can drive on a road in Thailand. A Thai driver`s license is issued by the Department of Land Transport, Ministry of Transport and can be used throughout the Kingdom of Thailand and other ASEAN countries without an international driving license. [1] [2] The minimum age for driving a motor vehicle is 18 years, the minimum age for driving a motorcycle is 15 years.